Adding Personal Contacts

Adding personal contacts to Pinventory provides you with a secure record that's accessible at any time, from anywhere. Imagine losing access to your phone or address book—no worries! With your contacts safely stored, you're prepared for any situation. But wait, there's more! Selecting contacts for asset distribution in your inventory becomes a breeze. 

  1. Go to
  2. Login using the username and password you created when you signed up for Pinventory.
  3. Click on the Member Profile picture for the profile you want to access.

  1. Click on “Personal Contacts.”

  1. Click on “Add Contact.”

  1. Fill out the required fields.

  1. Add any additional information. If you want to designate a personal contact to receive items in your inventory at any point and time, be sure to check the box next to "Asset Distribution Report."

  1. Click “Save Changes.”

  1. A confirmation message will appear: click “Ok.”