Create a Pinventory Account

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Create an Account.”

  1. Fill out the required fields.

  1. Check box for “Verify Via Email” and “Terms & Conditions.”

  1. Click “Continue.”

  1. Apply a coupon code if you have one.

  1. Click “Continue.”

  1. Choose whether to “Continue” with the Free Trial or “Skip Free Trial” and gain full access to Pinventory right away.

  1. Fill out the required fields to enter billing information.

  1. Click “Pay.” You won't be charged for the free trial period if you signed up for it. 

  1. A confirmation message will appear; click “Ok.”

  1. Check your email for both the verification link and the receipt.

  1. Click on the link to verify your account.

  1. Check receipt to confirm plan and billing information.

  1. Your account is ready: It's time to log in and start using Pinventory!

Up Next: Create Your User Profile